Good Mama Social Circle

Super thankful for my mama-friends. Wether it may be us grabbing lunch to catch up(without the littles), spending time in/cooking together, playdates, wine dates(my fav lol) or simply just being an open ear to listen. I believe having a positive social circle is essential. Especially for mamas. Finding other mamas who share similar lifestyles was a game changer for me.


Judgement free zone. Mom life is different. I’m sure my mamas feel this lol. It’s no manual or blueprint to being a mother. We grow with the flow. (I should put that on a t-shirt lol) No, but really, having those who don’t judge you for mistakes or concerns while navigating motherhood are friends to keep for sure.

A forever support system. In every aspect, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Your support system should be almost vied as a lifeline. It’s great to have those in your corner who have your back in time of joy, frustration, concern, going through different stages/ages in motherhood etc.

A sense of community. Now this may sound crazy(to those who aren’t mothers) but my life instantly changes once I became a mother. I’m talking as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t have the same views on life. My mom-friends who already had kids, gave me a sense of belonging. It was a different type of friendship.

Mom fun. Mama loves a good wine. Wine tasting dates are essential, if that’s your kind of thing. It’s great to have balance between motherhood and fun outside of motherhood. My mama-friends get me. They get “I want to have some good clean fun…but I want to get back to my kids in a few hours” lol.


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